Fluid mechanics objective questions true/false quiz - GateHelps


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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Fluid mechanics objective questions true/false quiz

01.  When  the  pressure  intensity  at a  point  is  less  than  the  local  atmospheric  pressure,  then  the difference  of these  two  pressures  is  called  vacuum  pressure.
A)  Agree
B) Disagree

02.  The  ratio  of the  inertia  force  to  the  gravity  force  is  called  Froude  number.
A)  Agree
B) Disagree

03.  If  a pitot  tube  is  placed  with  its  nose  upstream,  downstream  or  sideways,  the  reading  will  be the  same in  every  case.
A)  True
B) False

04.  A  body  floating  in  a liquid  is  said  to  be  in  a stable  equilibrium,  if  its  metacentre  coincides  with its  centre  of  gravity.
A)  True
B) False

05.  The  flow  in  a pipe  is  laminar,  when  Reynold  number  is  less  than  2000.
A)  True
B) False

06.  According  to  Pascal's  law,  the  intensity  of pressure  at any  point  in  a fluid  at  rest  is  the  same  in all  directions. A)  Agree
B) Disagree

07.  The  line  of action  of the  force  of buoyancy  acts  through  the  centre  of gravity  of the  volume of the  liquid  displaced.
A)  True
B) False

08.  The  vacuum  pressure  can  be  measured  with  the  help  of a  Piezometer  tube.
A)  True
B) False

09.  According  to  Bazin,  the  coefficient  of discharge  varies  with  the  height  of  water  over  the  sill  of a weir.
A)  Correct
B) Incorrect

10.  If  the  value  of coefficient  of discharge  increases,  the  discharge  through  the  orifice  decreases.
A)  True
B) False

11.  The  D-Alembert's  principle  is  used  for  changing  the  dynamic  equilibrium  of a  fluid  mass,  into  a static  equilibrium.
A)  Agree
B) Disagree

12.  The  flow  at critical  depth  in  an  open  channel  is  called  torrential  flow.
A)  Yes
B) No

13.  In  a sharp-crested  weir,  the  thickness  of the  weir  is  kept  less  than  half of the  height  of  water above  the  crest  of the  weir.
A)  True
B) False

14.  The  velocity  of  liquid  flowing  through  an  orifice  varies  with  the  available  head  of the  liquid.
A)  Agree
B) Disagree

15.  When  an  internal  mouthpiece  is  running  full,  the  discharge  through  the  mouthpiece  is  twice the  discharge  when  it  is  running  free.
A)  Correct
B) Incorrect

16.  Surface  tension  force  is  the  product  of  surface  tension  per  unit  length  and  cross-sectional  area of flow.
A)  Correct
B) Incorrect

17.  When  a body  is  placed  over  a liquid,  it  is  subjected  to  gravitational  force  and  upthrust  of  the liquid.
A)  True
B) False

18.  The  property  of a  liquid  which  enables  it  to  resist  tensile  stress  is  called  its  surface  tension.
A)  Agree
B) Disagree

19.  In  the  manufacturing  of lead  shots,  the  property  of surface  tension  is  utilised.
A)  Agree
B) Disagree

20.  The  coefficient  of discharge  is  the  ratio  of theoretical  discharge  to  the  actual  discharge  through an  orifice.
A)  True
B) False

01. Answer:  Option  A
02. Answer:  Option  A
03. Answer:  Option  B
04. Answer:  Option  B
05. Answer:  Option  A
06. Answer:  Option  A
07. Answer:  Option  A
08. Answer:  Option  B
09. Answer:  Option  A
10. Answer:  Option  B
11. Answer:  Option  A
12. Answer:  Option  B
13. Answer:  Option  A
14. Answer:  Option  A
15. Answer:  Option  B
16. Answer:  Option  B
17. Answer:  Option A
18. Answer:  Option  A
19. Answer:  Option  A
20. Answer:  Option  B

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